On January 24th, both the Sun and New Moon are in Aquarius, which makes it a double whammy of Aquarius energy, which will undoubtedly be experienced by all on a specific level or another. If you’re a Tiger in the Chinese Zodiac or if Aquarius is a dominating symbol in your chart, then expect to feel it even more potently.

What does Sun in Aquarius mean?

Aquarius is the symbol of originality and innovation. It’s about freeing yourself from restriction. Freedom plays a significant role in Aquarius, and one thing for sure is that, during this process, your hunger for new experience and knowledge shall be at its top. Expect yourself to feel more adventurous, open to trying new things, as well as experience life on a different level as you try to cut loose the bondage that’s holding you back.

The New Moon in Aquarius has a strong desire for emotional freedom. The Moon is connected to your emotions and subconsciousness, and Aquarius creates an ability to connect with what is holding you back on an emotional level. We also might find emotions that had previously been buried slowly rising to the surface. 

New Moon in Aquarius also carries the benefit of freeing yourself of restrictive emotions while being in a group, which makes it very important at this time to spend time with other people in order to understand yourself better.

What Kind of Tarot Reading Can You do With the Sun and New Moon Both in Aquarius?

New Moons are known to be reliable times for manifestation, a time of action, and analysis. Emotional release is strong at this time as well as breaking free from restrictions. Preferably, this is what you need to focus on your Tarot reading.

Listed below is a reading created to help you during this process. A Tarot reading that centers around emotions, so keep in mind that every card will be interpreted on an emotional level. 

The Sun and New Moon in Aquarius 5-Card Tarot Spread

What emotional issues do you need to deal with at this time?

· Card 1: A situation that is holding you back

· Card 2: The emotions you’re struggling with

· Card 3: What you need to nurture

· Card 4: How you can improve your situation

· Card 5: What will happen once you deal with what’s holding you back

Example Reading of the Spread

Card 1 – The Emperor 

As a situation, the Emperor is holding you back can indicate two things. It’s either there is an individual in your life who carries the “Emperor” qualities or you being the Emperor itself. If you’re too controlling, or if someone is too controlling over you, then it means that this card indicates you being stunned emotionally, which can result in restriction. 

Card 2 – The Moon

This card is a powerful one in the “emotions you’re struggling with” category. The Moon is a card of concealed subconsciousness and feelings. It also signifies confusion and not knowing which road to go. It would seem like that because of this specific part of control in your life; it has left you feeling lost and confused.

Card 3 – Knight of Wands

The Knight of Wands is a card that represents strong energy and drive. It’s a card that never allows someone’s restrictions hold him back. In the “What you need to nurture” category, it can show that, for you to battle the feelings of confusion demonstrated by the Moon, you should nurture your own inner passions. 

The control aspect may hinder you from your passion and energy, and it may be the perfect time for you to reestablish your passionate side of nature. If the control is coming from an outside force, then developing your own passions can significantly help you break free. If it’s internal, then your desires may be able to cut loose on the chains you have bounded to yourself. This card speaks about continuing creative pursuits, which is a great passage for passion.

Card 4 – The World

The World is another card coming from the Major Arcana, and it’s interpreted as travel. This card is all about fulfillment and expansion. You will need a vacation or a holiday for a few days for you to improve your situation. A change of environment is necessary so you can break the sluggishness that you are currently in.

Card 5 – Queen of Wands

This card is called the “outcome card,” and it’s a good one in this section. The Queen of Wands represents that if you select to address the issue of control that’s holding you back, that if you listen to the advice of the World and develop your inner Knight of Wands, then the Queen of Wands awaits you. The Queen of Wands represents someone adventurous, self-confident, and bold. This someone doesn’t allow any restrictions to hold him/her back. He or she knows when to let restrictions on her for her own benefit.


The Sun and New Moon in Aquarius bring us a lot of opportunities to break free from those restrictive situations or emotions that are holding us back in our overall well-being and development. Using this Tarot card can help us develop greater insights into ourselves.

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